Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning:
eLearning on the go

Deliver your custom eLearning through mobile devices for learning while on-the-go.
Mobile Learning

Access your training anywhere, anytime.

Mobile learning is a perfect way to deliver your training to your employees, or educational videos to your customers. Why? Because it's accessible for anywhere. Give people the freedom to train at their leisure, and you'll be rewarded with knowledgeable  employees, and happier customers. Use a combination of video learning, with short clips, to provide bite-sized learning - the optimal way to train today. Choose to explore if a partnership with us is the right decision. We can't wait to connect.

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Mobile Learning

What is mobile learning?

Simply put, mobile learning is a way for training and eLearning content to be provided through the use of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, seamlessly.
Technology has always been a fundamental part of the learning process. In recent years, there's been a surge in mobile learning. With the ease of access to smartphones, tablets, and laptops, eLearning companies have been able to leverage this technology to provide learning on-the-go.

While there are many benefits to mobile learning, one of the biggest ones that cannot be ignored, is ease of accessibility. You can learn on-the-go, which is perfect for this new hybrid work environment that is now here to stay post COVID-19. With just a few taps on your screen, your staff could easily take up-skill learning courses that you've published, or re-visit topics that they could use a refresher on. Mobile learning helps users to do this quickly, easily, and from anywhere.

In addition to ease of access, your learners will be in control of how they want to learn, when they want to learn, and where they want to learn. This kind of control can be very helpful in the learning process for your learners, as they can tailor in a way that meets their specific learning needs, and do it within their own schedule. By also allowing your learners to control their learning experience, they are more likely to retain the information they are consuming, and feel more confident in their pursuit in furthering their learning.

Mobile learning is a fantastic way to push up-to-date information and developments within your organization to your learners. With mobile learning, typically all learning experiences can be accessed from either a smart phone, tablet, laptop or a desktop computer. Your learners will be able to rely on their learning system to re-visit older learning lessons, learn something new, or stay up-to-date on required learning lessons.
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Mobile Learning

6 Types of Mobile Learning Stratgies


Use pre-training to prepare your audience for upcoming eLearning.

Formal Training

Offer formalized eLearning with exams in a mobile form.

In-Time Learning

Instant training available and pushed to your team's devices when needed.

Social Training

Use pre-training to prepare your audience for upcoming eLearning.

Post Training

Offer formalized eLearning with exams in a mobile form.

Optional Training

Additional training your team may want to take to strengthen their knowledge and skills.

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